RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 La planificación del espacio marino: el cableado submarino y de telecomunicaciones de Canarias. A1 Santos Delgado, Fernando A2 Grado En Derecho K1 Planes estratégicos K1 Cables submarinos K1 Ordenación del espacio marino K1 Política marítima integrada K1 Ciberseguridad K1 Defensa nacional AB The objective of the present work is to make a study of the submarinetelecommunications wiring and its legal status from the marine spatialplanning and the maritime spatial planning plans, in addition to its treatmentas critical infrastructure.All of that with a review of the policies pursued at a national and communitylevel and an important consideration and awareness of its fundamental rolein today's society through the different strategic plans approved in Spain. Forthis, both the EU Directives and the national legislation and the IntegratedMaritime Policy, the objectives pursued by the Marine Spatial Planning andthe characteristics of the submarine wiring that the plan of the CanarianMarine Demarcation supports will be studied.In addition, the reasons why POEMs are a tool for the protection anddevelopment of wiring will be considered. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/26792 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/26792 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 21-sep-2024