El estrés de los y las docentes debido al confinamiento por el Covid-19.
Durante la situación de confinamiento domiciliario, producido por el virus del
COVID-19, la docencia en España sufrió un cambio radical. Dejó de ser una docencia
presencial para convertirse en telemática. Es por ello que se introdujeron herramientas
que no estaban al alcance de todas las personas, el aprendizaje se ralentizaba, los niveles
de estrés iban aumentando, etc.
Todo esto provocó un malestar general en los y las docentes, encargados de la
educación de los infantes y jóvenes de la casa, intentando hacer frente a las adversidades,
pero con el inconveniente de las diferentes circunstancias que se daban en las diferentes
familias antes, durante y tras el confinamiento.
El objetivo general de este trabajo es conocer las consecuencias que el estrés
produjo durante el confinamiento por el virus del COVID-19 a los y las docentes, la
respuesta educativa que llevaron a cabo y la gestión de las emociones suscitadas por las
dificultades que se iban encontrando en la docencia no presencial.
Para ello se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado con preguntas cerradas,
organizado en tres bloques (datos sociodemográficos de los participantes, emociones
suscitadas y nivel de estrés durante el confinamiento, efectividad de la docencia online y
respaldo que hubieran tenido). Los resultados muestran en general un mayor nivel de
estrés e irritabilidad, contento con el tipo de docencia utilizada y un bajo respaldo por
parte de los Servicios Sociales. During the situation of home confinement, produced by the Covid-19 virus,
teaching underwent a radical change, a change for which people were not prepared, tools
were introduced that were not available to everyone, learning slowed down, stress levels
were increasing, and feelings of dissatisfaction with the results of the non-presential
teaching that was being used appeared.
All this caused a general unease among teachers, who were in charge of the
education of the youngest children in the house, trying to cope with the adversities, but
without taking into account the situations that each of them were experiencing or were
having, as well as the circumstances that the families and children were experiencing.
The general objective of this study is to find out the consequences that stress
produced during the confinement due to the COVID-19 virus on the teachers, the
educational response that they carried out and the management of the emotions caused by
the difficulties that they encountered in the non-attendance teaching.
A structured questionnaire with closed questions was used, structured in three
blocks (socio-demographic data of the participants, emotions aroused and level of stress
during the confinement, effectiveness of online teaching and support they would have
had). The results show in general a higher level of stress and irritability, content with the
type of teaching used and that they did not have such support from the Social Services.