A reattributional training program as a therapeutic strategy for fear of flying
In this study the results for the validation of a reattributional training program applied to the
fear of #ying are presented. The program is made up of 13 ($1) sessions and consists of three
phases: Information; reattributional training; and the elaboration and application of
the treatment designed by the patient with the help of the therapist. The program was applied
to 24 patients while 24 other patients made up the waiting control group. The therapeutic
success was evaluated by means of self-report scales, and by recording psychophysiological
variables in a situation in which subjects viewed a video tape of a #ight. Signi"cant di!erences
were obtained from the ANOVAs between experimental and control groups in all of the
self-reported variables (p(0.001) and in some of the psychophysiological variables (p(0.05).
The results support the e!ectiveness of the program. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights