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dc.contributor.advisorMedina Hernández, Orlando es_ES
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Hernández, Antonio Manueles_ES
dc.contributor.authorMartín León, Bárbaraes_ES
dc.description.abstractEn el presente trabajo se analizará “la cláusula suelo”, cláusula que numerosas entidades bancarias incorporaron a los créditos hipotecarios concedidos, para protegerse de las bajadas de los tipos de intereses que estuvieran por debajo de determinados umbrales. Esto generó un desequilibrio entre los derechos y obligaciones de ambas partes, ya que la información que se le suministraba al consumidor del contenido del contrato y la aplicación de la cláusula no era clara ni sencilla. Esta falta de transparencia provoco el carácter abusivo en las cláusulas. La falta de licitud dio pie a que el TS dictara la Sentencia del 9 de Mayo de 2013, que establece por primera vez la nulidad de la cláusula suelo y limita su retroactividad a ese momento. Palabras Claves: cláusula suelo, contrato, falta de transparencia, sentencia, nulidad. SUMMARY In this essay we will analyze the so called <<cláusula suelo>>, a clause which was included in accepted mortgages by numerous banking entities in order to protect themselves from the lowering of interest rates under specific values. This “minimum interest” clause generated an imbalance between the rights and obligations from both sides, due to the fact that the information provided to the recipient of the mortgage and application of said clause wasn´t completely clear and concise. This lack of transparency generated the abusive character of this clause. In conjunction with its lawlessness, the Supreme Court passed the Sentence of the 9th of May of 2013, declaring for the first time the “ground clause” null and limiting its retroactivity up until that moment.
dc.description.abstractIn this essay we will analyze the so called <<cláusula suelo>>, a clause which was included in accepted mortgages by numerous banking entities in order to protect themselves from the lowering of interest rates under specific values. This “minimum interest” clause generated an imbalance between the rights and obligations from both sides, due to the fact that the information provided to the recipient of the mortgage and application of said clause wasn´t completely clear and concise. This lack of transparency generated the abusive character of this clause. In conjunction with its lawlessness, the Supreme Court passed the Sentence of the 9th of May of 2013, declaring for the first time the “ground clause” null and limiting its retroactivity up until that moment.
dc.rightsLicencia Creative Commons (Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 4.0 Internacional)es_ES
dc.titleCláusulas abusivas : especial mención a las cláusulas sueloes_ES
dc.subject.keywordClaúsulas suelo

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