Situación actual de Giardia en roedores de Canarias
Pérez Ortega, PaulaDate
Giardia duodenalis is one of the most common causes of diarrhoea in human in the world.
It infects a large number of vertebrates and is capable of producing zoonoses. The aim of
this work was to study the current prevalence of the parasite in rodents in the Canary
Islands, the temporal evolution and the possible areas of risk of transmission.
A total of 42 fecal samples from the wild rodents, Rattus rattus and Mus musculus
domesticus from these three islands, El Hierro, Lanzarote and Tenerife, were analysed.
Concentration techniques were used to search for Giardia cysts under the microscope.
The general prevalence found for Giardia was 30.95% with values ranging from 60% to
24.24% in El Hierro and Lanzarote, respectively. The results show that both R. rattus (60
%) and M. m. domesticus (14,81 %) are infected with Giardia sp., being the prevalence
for R. rattus, significative higher. In Tenerife, Giardia sp. was not found in any animals,
however, few samples were analyzed in this island.
The results of the study confirm the wide distribution of Giardia sp. in rodents in the
Canary Islands. Similar prevalence to those published a decade ago was found, although
an increase in El Hierro island was observed. Higher prevalence in R. rattus, with respect
to M. m. domesticus was also confirmed. Giardia is a zoonotic parasite, and it is presence
in peridomestic wild animals could implies a risk of transmission to human.