Proyecto de instalación de placa fotovoltaica en pabellón deportivo con punto de recarga de vehículos eléctricos autosotenibles
Lopez Rodriguez, SergioFecha
In the present project, the designs have been elaborated for an update of the interior facilities
of the pavilion, to reduce its consumption, the study of the generating installation and the
recharging installation for electric vehicles. It is oriented to have greater self-sustainability with
the environment, since what the generating installation produces, if it is not consumed, will be
dumped into the grid to take advantage of that energy produced.
It can also be observed the study through diverse sections such as the report, the annexes of
the calculations made, a document on installation conditions, a basic study of health and safety,
the project budget and the relevant plans of the installation. In each of these parts, current
regulations have been taken into account and various aspects have been explained, such as the
description of each of the facilities, the solutions adopted, different studies of the luminaire and
safety details.
In the design of the different electrical installations, the different circuits that compose them
and their characteristics, the connection mechanisms, the assurance systems, the characteristics
of the receivers and the study of the generated power are specified and explained at all times.
through the photovoltaic modules.