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dc.contributor.advisorSánchez-Parodi Pascua, José Luis 
dc.contributor.authorLuis Diaz, Alejandro
dc.description.abstractEl proceso de construcción del capitalismo global y la globalización han comportado una lógica cada vez más intensa de competitividad económica que afecta directamente a la distribución del trabajo, la riqueza y los recursos en todo el planeta. Este fenómeno ha provocado que la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa tenga cada vez mayor relevancia en nuestro entorno, debido a la exigencia que existe en avanzar hacia un horizonte máses
dc.description.abstractThe construction process of global capitalism and globalisation have created a new logic of economic competitiveness increasingly stronger which directly affects the distribution of work, wealth and resources of the planet. This phenomenon has increased the importance of corporative social responsibility (CSR) in our environment because the existing demand of advancing towards a more sustainable horizon. The main objective of this project is to analyse the surrounding reality of CSR and the impact of its present influence. In order to do so, it will be firstly targeted its development both in national and international level, as well as its progressive incorporation into the Spanish legal system. Secondly, the challenges that this model presents to companies, paying special attention to its integration in small and medium companies, those that, given their importance to the industrial sector and their repercussions in society, are meant to develop a fundamental role in the effective development and implementation of this concept in our country.en
dc.rightsLicencia Creative Commons (Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 4.0 Internacional)
dc.titleLa responsabilidad social corporativa
dc.subject.keywordresponsabilidad social corporativaes
dc.subject.keywordmodelo de gestiónes
dc.subject.keywordordenamiento jurídicoes

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Licencia Creative Commons (Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 4.0 Internacional)
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