Studying exoplanetary atmospheres using Chromatic Line-Profile Doppler Tomography technique
Esparza Borges, EmmaFecha
We aim to probe the atmospheric composition of extrasolar planets, specifically
hot Jupiters, retrieving their transmission spectra via the novel Chromatic LineProfile Tomography method. This new method relies on measuring the spectral line
distortions caused by the planet shading parts of the rotating stellar surface, which
are reflected in the Cross Correlation Functions (CCFs). Hence, once the transmission
spectra is retrieved, it can reveal narrow and broadband features which can provide
information about the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. In this project, we
developed a Chromatic Doppler Tomography -based methodology able to fit observational data to extract transmission spectra. We used the publicly available SOAP code
to produce the Doppler Tomography models which are used to fit observational data
via an MCMC fitting procedure. Also, we tested our methodology with ESPRESSO
and HARPS-N data of the well-studied hot Jupiter HD 209458b, which were obtained during several transits of the planet. The transmission spectra of HD 209458b
obtained through this technique reproduced previous results published in the bibliography, proving that the Chromatic Line-Profile Doppler Tomography methodology
presented in this work can be a useful and novel technique to explore the atmospheres
of transiting planets