Programación didáctica. Latín. 4º Curso de ESO
Acosta Armas, EstefaníaFecha
In this academic work we offer a syllabus design for Latin for 4th ESO, as well as the
development of a learning situation. In order to do this, we have taken into account
the government and regional regulations, besides the schools’ institutional documents, in which the current syllabus is defined. The chosen school has been IES Daute-Los Silos, since this has been the place where we have carried out our internship
period and in which we have been able to carry out our learning situation.
For the presentation of our syllabus we have followed, largely, the patterns that
are collected in the ProIDEAC application, created by the Ministry of Education and
Universities of the Canary Islands Government. Our objective has been to present a
practical document made for the teacher which, at the same time, meets the reference regulations and can be distinguished from others by its originality, taking also into
account its context and its diversity outreach. Regarding the learning situation, we
have paid attention to the students’ interests to draw up it, looking at all times for
their motivation through innovation and the use of the resources that the ICT offer us