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dc.contributor.advisorRodríguez Calero, Juan Manuel 
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Aguilar, Yannoacelis
dc.contributor.otherGrado En Derecho
dc.description.abstractThe legal regime of the end of life is a controversial issue, especially regarding the issue of euthanasia, which has become a matter of social debate today. We all have the right to life, something recognized by the Spanish Constitution, but not all of us have the right to choose how we will die today, not all of us have the right to submit to what is known as “good death”. We can only alleviate the effects of serious diseases that can afflict us, but not end them radically. In this work we have tried to explain both the legally accepted way of dying, palliative care, and the way that is increasingly socially required to be authorized, such as euthanasia.
dc.description.abstractThe legal regime of the end of life is a controversial issue, especially regarding the issue of euthanasia, which has become a matter of social debate today. We all have the right to life, something recognized by the Spanish Constitution, but not all of us have the right to choose how we will die today, not all of us have the right to submit to what is known as “good death”. We can only alleviate the effects of serious diseases that can afflict us, but not end them radically. In this work we have tried to explain both the legally accepted way of dying, palliative care, and the way that is increasingly socially required to be authorized, such as euthanasia.en
dc.description.abstractEl régimen jurídico del final de la vida es una cuestión controvertida, sobre todo en cuanto a la cuestión de la eutanasia, que se ha convertido en una cuestión de debate social en la actualidad. Todos tenemos derecho a la vida, algo reconocido por la Constitución española, pero no todos tenemos derecho a elegir como morimos en la actualidad, no todos tenemos derecho a someternos a la conocida como “buena muerte”. Solo podemos paliar los efectos de las graves enfermedades que pueden aquejarnos, pero no terminar con éstas de forma radical. En este trabajo hemos tratado de explicar tanto la forma aceptada legalmente de fallecer, los cuidados paliativos, como la forma que, cada vez más, se exige socialmente que se autorice, como es la
dc.rightsLicencia Creative Commons (Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 4.0 Internacional)
dc.titleEl régimen jurídico del final de la vida.
dc.subject.keywordFinal de la vida.
dc.subject.keywordCuidados paliativos

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