Quantum decoherence. A work on the quantum measurement problem
The objectives of this project are several and their achievement has been organized in three different chapters. In the first one, It has been tried to explain what the measurement problem is and
how decoherence partially solves it, explaining why we are only able to measure non-superposed
states. In the second chapter it is shown how, indeed, decoherence emerges naturally when considering the interaction between a system and its environment, thus giving a justification to Von
Neumann’s irreversible reduction process. With these first two chapters, moreover, a mathematical framework based on master equations and CPT maps is established, which is used in the
last chapter to achieve the ultimate goal of being able to describe the evolution of the accessible
states of a quantum system on which a measurement is performed without having to resort to the
measurement postulates. Los objetivos de este proyecto son varios y su consecuci´on se ha organizado en tres cap´ıtulos
distintos. En el primero se ha tratado de explicar en qu´e consiste el problema de la medida y
c´omo la decoherencia lo resuelve parcialmente, explicando por qu´e tan solo somos capaces de medir
estados no superpuestos. En el segundo cap´ıtulo se demuestra c´omo, en efecto, la decoherencia
emerge de forma natural cuando se considera la interacci´on entre un sistema y su entorno, dando
una justificaci´on as´ı al proceso de reducci´on irreversible de Von Neumann. Con estos dos primeros
cap´ıtulos, adem´as, se consigue establecer un marco matem´atico basado en las ecuaciones maestras
y los mapas CPT que, en el tercer cap´ıtulo, se emplea para lograr el objetivo final de poder describir
la evoluci´on de los estados accesibles de un sistema cu´antico sobre el que se realiza una medici´on
sin tener que recurrir a los postulados de la medida.