Diccionario de Términos Informáticos en LSA con Señas Operativas propuesto por y para alumnos con Discapacidad Auditiva
This article presents a collaborative project related to the creation of a dictionary with technical terms of Informatics area, created by and for students with hearing disabilities. The dictionary is bilingual with operational signs in Argentinian Sign Language (LSA) and Spanish. The project was carried out as part of a subject in the Systems Analysis Technique degree program, and a methodology designed for inclusive education was applied, allowing both hearing and deaf students to comply with the regular planning of the subject. Teachers, professional interpreters and members of the deaf community also participated.
As part of this work, a literature review was also carried out, which shows the still unmet need for a dictionary that includes technical terms. This review also provides information on formats and types of dictionaries currently available, which were considered in the creation of the dictionary proposed in this work. An evaluation was also carried out with the participating students through a survey. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the work done, in terms of the integration of the students, the value they have given to the project and the use of the dictionary in the institution's courses