Taxonomic biodiversity of geniculate coralline red algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from the Macaronesian region: summary and analysis
A catalog and critical review of species and
infraspeciWc taxa of non-fossil geniculate coralline red
algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) previously reported from
the Macaronesian region are presented along with an
assessment of species diversity in the region. Published
records of geniculate coralline algae are included along
with comments relating to type material. Within the catalog, taxa are organized alphabetically by genus and within
this by Wnal epithet. From the 31 taxa recorded, 4 are based
on type collections from Macaronesian localities. The types
of most species and infraspeciWc taxa reported from the
region have yet to be re-examined in a modern context, and
most Macaronesian records require veriWcation. The biodiversity of Macaronesian geniculate coralline algae may be
lower than current information indicates