Religious Tolerance and the Press: An Analysis of Socio-political Factors in the Coverage of Religious Issues in the Indian Newspapers
Se analiza, en seis periódicos de la India, la cobertura informativa de tres acontecimientos
relativos a la minoría cristiana con la metodología del análisis del discurso complementada
con la aplicación de algunas técnicas cuantitativas; para ello se “transforman” conceptos del
análisis cualitativo en variables manejables en el estudio estadístico. En conjunto, la prensa
ha defendido los valores constitucionales del secularismo y de la tolerancia religiosa, a pesar
de privilegiar una focalización política de los acontecimientos religiosos. El análisis discursivo
de los editoriales revela que los diarios nacionales, diarios de las élites cultas, han sido
“blandos” al condenar las actitudes intolerantes de los fundamentalistas. The press coverage of three religious events regarding the Christian minority in India is
scrutinized in six newspapers with a discourse analysis method implemented with a quantitative
methodology that “transforms” concepts of the qualitative analysis into variables
adapted for statistical analysis. Overall, the analysis proves that the newspapers keep their
role as the watchdog of democracy and secularism that are embedded in the Indian Constitution.
Though the three events had a predominant religious meaning, the newspapers
framed them into a political angle. A deeper qualitative analysis of the editorials proves that
the elite national newspapers were soft in condemning fundamentalists.