Configuración y gestión de una planta HDA virtual
This work exposes how an HDA plant was configured and managed virtually, grouping
students of the degree of industrial chemical engineering in work teams where each
individual would develop a previously defined role. For this, a tool called Monitor8 was
used through which the now workers could interact with the environment created for the
plant, developing the tasks of their position in a "role game". To allow the understanding
of the system, the necessary material was planned to deliver to the students in the form of
user manuals and short seminars in order to complement. Within the information
provided, a series of scenarios, stipulated action procedures, instructions and short
practices to be developed to put into practice what was learned in various subjects of the
industrial chemical engineering degree were explained. At the end of the experience, a
survey was carried out on the students in order to know their assessment of the tool.
According to a large majority, the experience was satisfactory, the tool comfortable to
use, they would value the inclusion of more similar practices, they saw a good challenge
for their technical and general skills, and they reinforced previously acquired knowledge.