In Search of New Metaphors: An Interview with Linda Hutcheon
Darias Beautell, Eva Rosa
Linda Hutcheon holds the rank of “University Professor” of English and Comparative at
the University of Toronto. She is the author and co-author of 10 books on topics that range
from postmodernism to interdisciplinary approaches to opera, but her constant interest has
been in critical theory and its intersections with contemporary culture, especially Canadian
and American culture. Her most recent books include Splitting Images: Contemporary Canadian
Ironies (1991), Irony’s Edge: The Theory and Politics of Irony (1994) and, with Michael
Hutcheon, M.D., Opera: Desire, Disease, Death (1996) and Bodily Charm: Living Opera
(2000). From 1994-2000, with Mario J. Valdes, she directed two large comparative literary
history projects (on Latin America and on East Central Europe) to be published by Oxford
University Press. She currently sits on the board of 17 scholarly journals, and in 2000 was
the President of the Modern Language Association of America.
This interview was partially conducted on Monday, 17th July 2000 at 10:30 am. in Linda
Hutcheon’s office at the University of Toronto, and then completed through various email