Instalación fotovoltaica para una casa residencial en Breña Alta
Lorenzo Villarroel, YakyDate
The photovoltaic installation project is a system that uses solar panels to convert solar energy
into electricity. Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight and convert it
into direct current. This current is then transformed into alternating current through an inverter,
allowing it to be used in homes or the power grid.
The installation process involves several steps. First, a feasibility study is conducted to
determine the amount of energy that can be generated and the optimal location for the solar panels.
Then, support systems are designed and the panels are installed on roofs or on the ground, in our case,
on the roof of the residential building, ensuring they are oriented towards the sun to maximize energy
After the physical installation, the electrical connection is made. This involves installing an
inverter and connecting the photovoltaic system to the power grid.
Once the system is operational, it can generate clean and renewable electricity. This helps
reduce energy consumption from the conventional power grid and decrease reliance on fossil fuels.
Additionally, photovoltaic systems can take advantage of incentive programs and renewable energy
policies to gain additional economic benefits.
In summary, this photovoltaic installation project involves the design, installation, and
connection of solar panels to generate renewable electricity. It helps reduce environmental impact and
provides a sustainable and clean energy source