García-Rodríguez, F. J., Ruiz-Rosa, I., Gutiérrez-Taño, D., & Gil-Soto, E. (2022). Entrepreneurial intentions in the context of a collectivist economy: a comparison between Cuba and Spain. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18(2), 855-873. DOI: 10.1007/s11365-020-00686-7.
Entrepreneurship research has matured and now spans multiple entrepreneurial contexts,
including developing countries, emerging and transitional economies. However, collectivist economies have largely been ignored, partly due to difficulties in conducting
research and partly due to the widespread assumption that they remain on the outskirts
of entrepreneurial activity. In this paper, from the entrepreneurial event model perspective,
we analyse entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents in Cuba, probably the best
example of a collectivist economy that exists nowadays. Cuba is compared to Spain, a
country that shares historical and cultural features but one which has a developed market
economy. Findings indicate that desirability and feasibility constitute the main antecedents of entrepreneurial intention in Cuba, as other studies in market economy countries
reflect. However, the influence of desirability on entrepreneurial intention is lower in
Cuba compared to Spain, where the values of desirability and feasibility are significantly
greater. These results seem to indicate that due to Cuba’s level of development, political
regime and collectivist culture, entrepreneurship arises mainly out of necessity and the
emergence of a strong entrepreneurial culture is stifled. This reflects a similar situation to
the result obtained in previous studies in developing countries.