Designing the Lexical Rules for the Parsing of ASD-STE100 Function Words in ARTEMIS from a Role and Reference Grammar Perspective
ARTEtuIS (Alttomaticalb) Rqresenting Tert Meaning uia an Interlinguabased system), is a natural language processing deuice, uhose xrltimate aim is to be
able to understand natural tanguage fragments and a?Tiue at their swtactic and
semantic rqresentation. ringuisticalb, tbis pótrser Ls found.ed. on tuo solid linguistic
theories: tbe Lexical constntctional Model and Role and Reference Grammar.
Althougb the ricb sernantic representatioru and tbe multilingual cbaracter of Role and
Reference Grammar make ít stlitablefor natural language understanding tashs, some
cbanges to the model haue proued necessary in order to adapt it to tbefunctioníng
of tbe ARTEtuils parser This paper uilt deal witb one of the major modifications
tbat Role and Refermce Grammar bad to tmdergo in tbis l)rocess of adaptation,
namelit, the substitution of tbe operator projection for feature-based structures, and
how tbk will inJluence the description of function words in ARTEIIIS, since tbqt
are strongly responsible for tbe encoding of tbe grammatical informa.tion which in
Role and Reference Grammar is lnchded. in tbe operators. currently, ARTET,IIS ís
being implemented.for the controlled natural language ASD-srEloo, the Aerospace
and Defence Industries Association of Europe simptified rbchnical EnglLsb, uhich is
an interytational Eecification for the preparation of tecbnical documentation in a
controlled language. Tbis controlled. language is used in the belief tbat üs simplified.
nature makes it a good corpL$ to cany out a preliminary testing of tbe adeqtacy of
tbe parser. In tbis line, tbe aim of tbis work ís to create a catalogue offunction word in ARTEtoIIS for ASD-srE11o, and to design the lexical rules necessary to parse tbe
simple sentence and tbe referential phrase in this controlled language.