Teachers' Use of Technology Affordances to Contextualize and Dynamically Enrich and Extend Mathematical Problem-Solving Strategies
This study aims to document the extent to which the use of digital technology enhances
and extends high school teachers’ problem-solving strategies when framing their teaching scenarios.
The participants systematically relied on online developments such as Wikipedia to contextualize
problem statements or to review involved concepts. Likewise, they activated GeoGebra’s affordances
to construct and explore dynamic models of tasks. The Apollonius problem is used to illustrate
and discuss how the participants contextualized the task and relied on technology affordances to
construct and explore problems’ dynamic models. As a result, they exhibited and extended the
domain of several problem-solving strategies including the use of simpler cases, dragging orderly
objects, measuring objects attributes, and finding loci of some objects that shaped their approached
to reasoning and solve problems.