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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Díaz, Rubí Nieves 
dc.contributor.authorAlberto Bethencourt, José Carlos
dc.contributor.authorPintor, C.
dc.contributor.authorDorta, A.
dc.contributor.authorSierra, A.
dc.contributor.authorSanluis, C.
dc.description.abstractThe high insolation rate of Gardnerella vagina/is in a women that assists to ginecologic clinics or sexually transmitted diseases control centers, and the patoge­ nic role that actually is ascribed to it in the produc­ tion of obstetrics complications, it may be associated with an increased rate of premature delivery, cho­ rioamnionitis, puerperal endomyometrial infections, and endometritis in not pregnant women, make us to dispose of eassy and quick techniques to detect this agent. By the HBT media (Human Blood Bilayer agar me­ dia with Tween 80) we had isolated G. vagina/is in 398 women. Other diagnostic tests that we used are the wet mount, the KOH test and the gram stain, as vagi­ nal secretions as cervical secretions, valuing the uti­ lity of the amina presence, the due cells in the wet mount and gram stain, and also its relation with the lactobacilli, leukocytes and gram negative bacilli num­ ber in those tests. We have obtained that with the observation of the clue cells in the wet mount and a decreased number of latobacilli, the existence of amina odour, the pre­ sence of clue cells and gram negative bacilli in the gram stain, we can obtained the diagnosis of G. vagi­nalis.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesClínica e Investigación en Ginecología y Obstetricia, vol. 16, 7 (1989)
dc.titleMétodos diagnósticos de Gardnerella vaginalis
dc.subject.keywordva­ginosis bacterianas

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