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dc.contributor.authorDel Prete, Annachiara 
dc.contributor.authorGallardo Echenique, E.
dc.contributor.authorDe Oliveira, J. M.
dc.description.abstractNorbert Wiener coined the term "cybernetics", basing his theory on the assumption that there is an analogy between the organic and technological regulated systems that transmit and process information (Wiener, 1954). In mid 1980's, William Gibson, an American cyberpunk science fiction author, used the word "cyberspace" in his book, Neuromancer, written in 1984. The term stands for the global network of interdependent information technology infrastructures, telecommunications networks and computer processing systems. Gibson's novels were an important milestone, and since then the prefix cyber has been used in all kinds of combinations as cyberbody, cybersex, cybermoney, cybercafé, and so on.
dc.publisherNova Science Publishers
dc.relation.ispartofProgress in Education, Roberta V. Nata, V. 33, pp 51-61, 2015
dc.titleCyborgs at the university: gaming for educational purposes
dc.subject.keywordProcess information
dc.subject.keywordComputer processing systems.

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    Documentos de investigación (artículos, libros, capítulos de libros, ponencias...) publicados por investigadores del Departamento de Didáctica e Investigación Educativa

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