Semantic parafoveal processing in natural reading: Insight from fixation-related potentials & eye movements.
Prior research suggests that we may access the meaning of parafoveal words during reading. We explored how semantic-plausibility parafoveal processing takes
place in natural reading through the co-registration of eye movements (EM) and
fixation-related potentials (FRPs), using the boundary paradigm. We replicated
previous evidence of semantic parafoveal processing from highly controlled reading situations, extending their findings to more ecologically valid reading scenarios. Additionally, and exploring the time-course of plausibility preview effects,
we found distinct but complementary evidence from EM and FRPs measures.
FRPs measures, showing a different trend than EM evidence, revealed that plausibility preview effects may be long-lasting. We highlight the importance of a coregistration set-up in ecologically valid scenarios to disentangle the mechanisms
related to semantic-plausibility parafoveal processing.