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dc.contributor.advisorCaballero Gil, Pino 
dc.contributor.authorPérez Ramos, Édgar
dc.description.abstractCRYSTALS-Dilithium es uno de los tres esquemas de firma digital incluidos en la tercera ronda de elecci´on de est´andar post-cu´antico del National Institute of Standards and Technology. Se trata de un algoritmo basado en ret´ıculos, que sigue las pautas del conocido esquema de Fiat-Shamir. Concretamente, su seguridad se basa en la dificultad del problema de encontrar vectores m´as cortos en ret´ıculos. En este trabajo se presenta una introducci´on a los conceptos que sustentan el protocolo, y una implementaci´on del mismo con un objetivo claramente did´actico.es_ES
dc.description.abstractCRYSTALS-Dilithium is one of the three digital signature schemes included in the third round of post-quantum standard selection by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It is a latticebased algorithm that adheres to the well-known Fiat-Shamir scheme guidelines. Specifically, its security is based on the difficulty of the problem of finding shorter vectors in lattices. This paper provides an introduction to the underlying concepts of the protocol and presents its implementation with a clear educational objective.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleEstudio e Implementaci´on del Esquema de Firma CRYSTALSDilithiumes_ES
dc.title.alternativeStudy and Implementation of the CRYSTALSDilithium Signature Schemeen
dc.subject.keywordCriptograf´ıa post-cu´anticaes_ES

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