Transcriptional Profiling of Immune-Related Genes in Leishmania infantum-Infected Mice: Identification of Potential Biomarkers of Infection and Progression of Disease
Leishmania spp. is a protozoan parasite that affects millions of people around the
world. At present, there is no effective vaccine to prevent leishmaniases in humans.
A major limitation in vaccine development is the lack of precise understanding of
the particular immunological mechanisms that allow parasite survival in the host. The
parasite-host cell interaction induces dramatic changes in transcriptome patterns in
both organisms, therefore, a detailed analysis of gene expression in infected tissues
will contribute to the evaluation of drug and vaccine candidates, the identification
of potential biomarkers, and the understanding of the immunological pathways that
lead to protection or progression of disease. In this large-scale analysis, differential
expression of 112 immune-related genes has been analyzed using high-throughput
qPCR in spleens of infected and naïve Balb/c mice at four different time points. This
analysis revealed that early response against Leishmania infection is characterized
by the upregulation of Th1 markers and M1-macrophage activation molecules such
as Ifng, Stat1, Cxcl9, Cxcl10, Ccr5, Cxcr3, Xcl1, and Ccl3. This activation doesn’t
protect spleen from infection, since parasitic burden rises along time. This marked
difference in gene expression between infected and control mice disappears during
intermediate stages of infection, probably related to the strong anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppresory signals that are activated early upon infection (Ctla4) or remain
activated throughout the experiment (Il18bp). The overexpression of these Th1/M1
markers is restored later in the chronic phase (8 wpi), suggesting the generation
of a classical “protective response” against leishmaniasis. Nonetheless, the parasitic
burden rockets at this timepoint. This apparent contradiction can be explained by the
generation of a regulatory immune response characterized by overexpression of Ifng,
Tnfa, Il10, and downregulation Il4 that counteracts the Th1/M1 response. This large
pool of data was also used to identify potential biomarkers of infection and parasitic
burden in spleen, on the bases of two different regression models. Given the results, gene expression signature analysis appears as a useful tool to identify mechanisms
involved in disease outcome and to establish a rational approach for the identification of
potential biomarkers useful for monitoring disease progression, new therapies or vaccine