Cancer-associated fibroblasts require proline synthesis by PYCR1 for the deposition of pro-tumorigenic extracellular matrix
Hernández Fernaud, Juan Ramón
Elevated production of collagen-rich extracellular matrix is a hallmark of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and a central
driver of cancer aggressiveness. Here we find that proline, a highly abundant amino acid in collagen proteins, is newly synthesized from glutamine in CAFs to make tumour collagen in breast cancer xenografts. PYCR1 is a key enzyme for proline synthesis
and highly expressed in the stroma of breast cancer patients and in CAFs. Reducing PYCR1 levels in CAFs is sufficient to reduce
tumour collagen production, tumour growth and metastatic spread in vivo and cancer cell proliferation in vitro. Both collagen
and glutamine-derived proline synthesis in CAFs are epigenetically upregulated by increased pyruvate dehydrogenase-derived
acetyl-CoA levels. PYCR1 is a cancer cell vulnerability and potential target for therapy; therefore, our work provides evidence
that targeting PYCR1 may have the additional benefit of halting the production of a pro-tumorigenic extracellular matrix. Our
work unveils new roles for CAF metabolism to support pro-tumorigenic collagen production.