Small but strong: socioeconomic and ecological resilience of a small european fishing community affected by a submarine volcanic eruption
Small-scale coastal fishing communities are facing many new challenges, such as rapid ecological changes
created by anthropogenic and natural events like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This paper explores how a
coastal population has responded to such an event and highlights the diverse coping strategies used to tackle it.
This research was conducted on the island of El Hierro (Spain), where a submarine volcanic eruption occurred in
2011, affecting a multiple-use Marine Protected Area (MPA) and the nearby fishing community of La Restinga.
Our study illustrates how the local population coped with this situation by combining multiple monetary and
non-monetary activities (e.g., informal exchanges) as well as the role of institutions in increasing local resilience
by supporting fishers’ demands and allowing their participation in the decision-making process in the immediate
wake of a catastrophic event. Local families also exploited various natural resources in and near the MPA, thus
ensuring access to crucial marine resources and continued recreational/cultural services. The results suggest that
collective action played a key role in the recovery process after the eruption, creating some advantages for
different local groups despite the hazardous nature of the event.