Assessment of multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) for identification of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum from different host plants in Spain
Ana Ruiz-Padilla; Cristina Redondo; Adrián Asensio; Jerson Garita-Cambronero; Carmen Martínez; Verónica Pérez-Padilla; Raquel Marquínez; Jesús Collar; Eva García-Méndez; Ana Alfaro-Fernández; Carmen Asensio-S.-Manzanera; José Luis Palomo; Felipe Siverio; León Guerra, Leandro Jesús de; Jaime CuberoFecha
Liberibacter is a bacterial group causing different diseases and disorders in plants. Among liberibacters, Candidatus Liberibacter solanaceraum (CLso) produces disorders in several species mainly within Apiaceae and Solanaceae families. CLso isolates are usually grouped in defined haplotypesaccordingtosinglenucleotidepolymorphismsingenesassociatedwithribosomalelements. In order to characterize more precisely isolates of CLso identified in potato in Spain, a Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) was applied. This methodology was validated by a complete analysis of ten housekeeping genes that showed an absence of positive selection and a nearly neutral mechanism for their evolution. Most of the analysis performed with single housekeeping genes, as well as MLSA, grouped together isolates of CLso detected in potato crops in Spain within the haplotype E, undistinguishable from those infecting carrots, parsnips or celery. Moreover, the information from these housekeeping genes was used to estimate the evolutionary divergence among the different CLso by using the concatenated sequences of the genes assayed. Data obtained on the divergence amongCLsohaplotypessupportthehypothesis of evolutionary events connected with different hosts, in different geographic areas, and possibly associated with different vectors. Our results demonstrate the absence in Spain of CLso isolates molecularly classified as haplotypes A and B, traditionally considered causal agents of zebra chip in potato, as well as the uncertain possibility of the present haplotype to produce major disease outbreaks in potato that may depend on many factors that should be further evaluated in future works.