RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Relación entre el centro escolar y las familias con hijos/as con TEA desde la perspectiva de las familias A1 Martín Luis, Diana Estefanía K1 Autismo K1 Familia K1 Educación AB This work develops an investigation with thirty-seven families with children withASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) resident in the island of Tenerife, mainly in the northand metropolitan area. Two objectives are pursued with this work. On the one hand,know what is the relationship between the school and families with children with ASDfrom the family perspective. On the other hand, develop different lines of action torespond the needs that arise from the information collected. What has motivated us tochoose this topic is the lack of research on how families of children with ASD perceivethe response they receive, both they and their children, from the educational centers, and 4the difficulties, which are still found in this centers, to adapt the response and meet thedemands of this type of students and their families. The research developed isdescriptive in nature and uses two questionnaires as instruments for collectinginformation. The main results reflect some aspects to improve: the simple families donot participate in the centers, the centers hardly meet the needs of the families and thecounselor is not well valued. However, despite these shortcomings, the level ofsatisfaction with the centers is good, and relation to the professionals, the familiesconsider it essential that there be good coordination between the center and the externalsupport professionals and Teachers, are the most important center figure for them. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/10489 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/10489 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 14-oct-2024