RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Consideraciones éticas del manejo de información audiovisual de pacientes participantes en estudio de prótesis de cadera A1 Marrero Morales, Pablo Antonio A2 Máster Universitario en Bioética y Bioderecho K1 Consentimiento informado K1 Confidencialidad de los datos personales K1 Grabación en vídeo AB Research in the biomedical sciences is a complex activity that must involve amultidisciplinary team in research centers. This is because research with humans canpose risks, not only for the health of the patients or subjects involved, but also for theiridentity. In recent years, the protection of personal data has become a problem thatrequires special attention, as new technologies put new possibilities in the collection,storage and communication of personal data, which can put people’s intimacy at risk.This has been accompanied by the development of new regulatory frameworks on theprotection and confidentiality of personal data that affect all areas of society, includingresearch with human beings. These regulations have been constantly changing toadapt to the needs of bioethics and bio-regulation. In this way, before the developmentof a research or clinical trial, as is the case of the Hip Arthroplasty in Fast Track Modein the University Hospital Complex of the Canary Islands, the main motivation of thiswork, it has been necessary to orchestrate a set of activities and responsibilities aimedat safeguarding the confidentiality of personal data, thus ensuring compliance withcurrent regulations. Among the most distinctive features of the aforementionedresearch project, it is worth highlighting the recording of videos that can effectivelyregister and allow to communicate the results expected with this innovative medicalsurgical approach, with purely academic and scientific purposes. Thus, an informedconsent document specially designed for this purpose has been prepared, and thestorage and protection of personal data, as well as the request for video recordingequipment has been managed through the pertinent instances in the aforementionedcenter for clinical studies of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. In thisway, we try to provide the means to ensure the proper implementation of the projectand the protection of patients in relation to their rights as participants in biomedicalresearch, especially regarding the confidentiality of personal data. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/10522 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/10522 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 14-oct-2024