RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 La importancia del recreo escolar en la Actividad Física de los y las adolescentes A1 León Gil, Pablo A2 Máster Univ. en Formación del Profes. en E.S.O.Bachillerato, F.P. y E.Ii. K1 Actividad Física K1 Recreo K1 Género K1 Enseñanza secundaria K1 Salud AB This end-of-master project show the incidence of physical activity (AF) in the recess periodsat school, as well as the impact of this period on the healthy development of students and theirprocess of creation and development at an integral level. To verify this improvement, we useda multi-method approach as a methodological strategy in that we were combined quantitativedata (questionnaire ad hoc and observation) and qualitative data (focal group). For thisprocess, information was collected during a week at the school and after an intervention withthe focus group and the questionnaires, the motor behavior of the students was re-analyzedduring the recess periods one week more. Results: Although it was a punctual experience andshort temporarily, the results indicate there have been differences in the performance of AFby the students, finding important differences in the practice of boys and girls. The materialsand weather conditions have been found as the main barriers to practice AF. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/10529 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/10529 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 12-sep-2024