RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Boosting pronuntiation teaching and practice in the ESO classroom A1 García Gutiérrez, Luis Eduardo K1 Lengua inglesa-Enseñanza K1 Lengua inglesa-Pronunciación K1 Educación secundaria AB The teaching and practicing of pronunciation in ESO’s English classroomshave been subject to rejection and lack of appropriate consideration for manyyears. Labeled as “the poor relation of the English language teaching world”(Brown, 1991), “the orphan” (Gilbert, 2010) or “the Cinderella of EnglishLanguage Teaching” (Underhill, 2013), pronunciation has been mostly lockedaway and out of sight in neglect, mainly reduced to boring drilling methods, inmany cases due to teachers’ almost non-existent training and knowledge ofEnglish phonology, leading to uncertainty about exactly what should be taughtand how. In recent years, however, the growing academic interest forintelligibility and effective communication skills has brought backpronunciation and its importance to the language teaching scenario.The lack of positive attitude and pronunciation awareness of Englishteachers, their lack of training, resources and support in English phonology, aswell as frequent, contextualized pronunciation practice for their students weresome of the surprising results after an eight-week observation period at an ESOschool in north Tenerife. The feedback obtained from the students during thatperiod of time undoubtedly indicated a real need for a change in teachers,students, and textbooks’ vision of pronunciation teaching, practice, andintegration into English lesson plans. The main purpose of this study is toprovide English teachers with some useful strategies that they could use toeffectively integrate pronunciation into their English classes and thus improvetheir students’ oral communication skills. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/11088 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/11088 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 14-oct-2024