RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Análisis de las actividades dinámicas y sedentarias entre abuelos y nietos A1 Luis Diaz, Aryana A2 Máster Univ. en Interv. y Mediación Fam.Soc. y Comun. Por la Ull y Ulpgc K1 abuelos K1 nietos K1 rol de abuelidad K1 actividad dinámica K1 actividad sedentaria AB The aim of this study has been to know better the type of physical activities, dynamictype and sedentary type, which a group of grandparents and their grandchildren carry outtogether. In addition, we analyze the relationships between the socio-demographicvariables of grandparents and those joint activities. Therefore, 114 grandparents andgrandmothers were interviewed, without physical or cognitive limitations, on theirinteraction with that grandchild or granddaughter with whom they have more personalcontact. A questionnaire of dynamic and sedentary activities was chosen betweengrandparents and grandchildren of Peraza, Puentes and Rodríguez (2017). The data wereanalyzed with the statistical package SPSS v. 21 and the analyses were parametric typetests (ANOVAs). In the results of the study, it was possible to confirm how the majorityof the participants, as a genus, they were grandmothers. About the age, they were peopleolder than 66 years and about the most predominant role, it was the formal role, followedby the informal and the substitute. Also, through the results it can be seen the existingrelationship between the roles of grandparent age (formal, informal and substitute) withthe pattern of interaction of the four types of activities (External dynamics, Externalsedentary, Internal dynamics and Internal sedentary). The socio-demographic variablesthat were analyzed with more emphasis were age and health that were related to the fourtypes of activities, where it turned out that the younger grandparents and those who enjoygood health are the ones who share more activities with their grandchildren. We canconclude that the most frequent activities between this group of grandparents and theirgrandchildren are sedentary, so it should encourage, as a family intervention, other typesof external dynamic activities because these are more beneficial to health of bothgenerations, in the short and long term. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/11140 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/11140 LA es NO Máster Univ. en Interv. y Mediación Fam., Soc. y Comun. Por la Ull y Ulpgc DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 08-feb-2025