RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Acerca de un comentario sobre el rey Wamba (672-680) y la Chronica Naierensis (s. XLL) A1 Martínez Ortega, Ricardo K1 Crónica Najerense K1 rey Wamba AB A remark by Prof. Juan Gil in his historiographical study of the XI-XIIIcenturies prompted the writing of this paper, which is an attempt totrack down the two current traditions about the figure of king Wamba(672-680). One considers him to be a monk who died in Pampliega(Historia de rebus Hispanie, Chronicon Mundi, Crónica de Alfonso III,Primera Crónica General de España); the other, represented by theChronica Naierensis, believes him to be buried somewhere in the threefold place -name Castella-Valle Monio-ecclesia Sancti Petri.The author concludes that in fact both interpretations refer to the sameplace, which in one case is known as Pampliega, a village in Burgos, butalso as Saint Peter's church, in Pampliega. No contradiction therefore existsbetween the old tradition and that ofthe Chronica Naierensis. PB Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de Publicaciones SN e-2530-8548 YR 1997 FD 1997 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/13152 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/13152 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 12-sep-2024