T1 La irresponsabilidad penal de los menores de catorce años. Cuestionamiento de la presunción iuris et de iure de inimputabilidad A1 Arrocha Castillo, María A2 Grado En Derecho K1 minoría de edad penal K1 responsabilidad penal K1 inimputabilidad K1 criminal age minority K1 criminal liability K1 imputability AB The present research project puts in question the presumption iuris et deiure of unimputability of the unfair penal acts that children under fourteenyears old may have committed, established by the Spanish legislator withthe approval of the Organic law 5/2000, of January 12, regulating thecriminal responsability of minors due to the exclusive application of thebiological criterion and the correlative referral of these to the Organic law1/1996, of January 15, on the legal protection of minors. For this reason, thestudy has been carried out from a doctrinal and legal perspective, not beingpossible to go to a jurisprudential panorama, due to the fact that exemptionof criminal responsability of these people precisely implies their exclusionof the penal process of minors of the LORPM.The main objective of this document will be to conclude whether thebiological criterion is the most appropiate in determining the unimputabilityof minors who do not reach fourteen years old or whether, on the otherhand, it should be raised a reform within the legal institutions either bylowering the minority of the criminal age or by abandoning the voluntarynote which characterizes the administrative measures of the child protectionsystem, or by maintaining this minimun limit, but by introducing thecriterion of discernment proper to our previous criminal systems in order towelcome again the presumption iuris tantum, at least in those assumptionsin wich this would be advisable.This purely doctrinal debate on the minimun and maximum limits todemand criminal responsibility for the minor has become a problem thathas undoubtely been gradually settling in our country with every legislativeadvance in the matter and by which, even public opinion seems to show interest largely due to the increase in the social alarm between thepopulation. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/15347 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/15347 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 22-nov-2024