T1 Instalación solar fotovoltaica y eólica para un local comercial A1 Darias Cabrera, Iván A2 Grado En Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial Y Automática K1 energías renovables K1 Polígono Industrial de Güímar AB This project is focused on the design and calculation about a photovoltaic and eolic installation for a shop. This shop is located at the south coast of Tenerife, concretly at the industrial park of Güimar. Güimar is an ideal place to do a photovoltaic and eolic installation because the weatherconditions are quite favorable. This document has the aim to design and explain every aspecto of that installation, also it is important to konw that the local will be a furniture store.Furthermore, the installation has the goal to provide the energy which will be consumed by the store. Firts of all, the calcullation about the predicted power is done by the engineer, when thisfact is known it is time to select some photovoltaic modules and also a wind turbine if it is possible. As we said previously, the aim of this installation is to provide energy which becomesfrom different ways of renwab energies, but also it has the objective of making the installation profitable. So it is not going to save the excees of energy, instead of that. It will be returned tothe electric grid, because we receive an extra benefit by the sale of this surplus.A balance has been made between three options, two of them is to implement justo photovoltaic modules and all the surface is covered, these options are very similar because the model is the same and the only one difference is the brand of the modules. In one case withJINKO modules and in another with BOSCH modules. On the other hand, the three model is a combination between photovoltaic modules (obviously there is not all the surface covered) anda wind turbine.When the three options have been studied it is time to make a decision and select just one model, in this case the model selected was the installation with only photovoltaic modules andconcretly modules of the brand JINKO. Next step in this project is to do all calculations related to the installation that will be implemented. This calculations are basicly the wire sections, the length of this wires and also the electrical protections.Another important aspect to keep in mind is the energetic production against the energetic demand, it is necessary to do a diary balance between these two facts. This information gives tothe installer the necessary to know how much energy will be saved and how much energy will be sold to the electric company.To end, it is important to know that this project also includes planes which are very useful for people who will install the modules, inversors and protections. In add, there is also a budget inthis project where every economic aspect could be known. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/15433 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/15433 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 28-jul-2024