RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Ciencia a través de la Lucha Canaria A1 Dominguez Hernandez, Kilian A2 Grado En Maestro De Educación Primaria K1 Lucha Canaria K1 Ciencias K1 Energía potencial K1 Energía cinética K1 Enseñanza primaria K1 Patrimonio cultural K1 Deportes autóctonos AB The Canarian Wrestling has long been the autochthonous sport par excellence in the CanaryIslands. However, today is not receiving the promotion it deserves as a sign of Canarian identity,much less as part of our cultural heritage. It is true that the corresponding entities have beenresponsible for protecting and maintaining it, since it was declared a Cultural Interest Site (BIC)some time ago. But they have not achieved a methodology or educational practices that includeCanarian wrestling in the Primary Education Classrooms in an autonomous way to promote itamong the youngest. On the contrary, the Canarian Struggle has been "marginalized" in theeducational context to the days before May 30, Canary Islands Day, or in a timely manner inthe subject of Physical Education.From this socio-educational and cultural context in which the Canary Islands are submerged,the need arises to design an efficient didactic proposal that includes Canarian wrestling in theprimary classrooms in an "autonomous" way. From this reality this project is born: Sciencethrough Canarian wrestling, a didactic proposal for the subject of Nature Sciences, which willdeal with content related to the topic of energy. In this sense it is very important to highlightthat the range of possibilities that The Canary Wrestling offers us is immense, and that althoughin this case we have opted for the subject of Sciences it could have been any other subject suchas Mathematics, First Foreign Language, etc. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/15557 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/15557 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 19-oct-2024