RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Caracterización genómica y/o morfológica de insectos útiles en el control biológico de plantas adventicias A1 Hernández Domínguez, Yasmina K1 Insectos K1 Plagas K1 Control biológico AB Title: Genomic and / or morphological characterization of insects useful in thebiological control of adventitious plants.Authors: Hernández Dominguez Yasmina, Siverio Núñez Antonio.Keywords: plants, insects, biological control, Barcoding,Abstract.The project to be developed is based on the biological control of adventitiousplants in the municipality of San Cristóbal de La Laguna. In order to know the controlcapacity that the chosen natural enemies could exercise, an evolutionary / insectarianwas carried out.It was shown that there is a capacity for biological control of insects onadventitious plants since during the cultivation time they devoured incessantly theplants that were placed as food. In the field, this ability to carry out a biological controlwas also observed, observing when collecting the plant species.A DNA recognition technique of a certain insect was also used. Namedgenomic analysis, which allows to know the name of said insect.With the results obtained, it can be established that biological control is aviable form of control of adventitious plants, with low application cost since, in thiscase, natural enemies are used that are located in the environment where theadventitious ones are located. In addition, they can be easily used by all farmers.In other cases it is enough to make a release of the biological enemies that canbe acquired in the market. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/16534 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/16534 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 17-jul-2024