RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Proyecto de instalaciones eléctrica, de ventilación y contraincendios en un taller de tablas de surf A1 Ascanio Fernández, Javier A2 Grado En Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial Y Automática K1 protección contra incendios K1 producción tablas de surf K1 establecimiento industrial AB Surfing is an extreme sports that is growing very fast during the past few years, thenumber of people who practice this sport is increasing a lot. Canary Islands is theperfect place for surfing, it has good weather the whole year and a lot of kilometers ofcoast with beach breaks and point breaks. Because of that build a surfboards factory isa good idea.The project given studies the process of a surfboards factory, where we can find thesurfboards’ shaping process, the materials, tools and machines needed to shape asurfboard, the electrical and light installation, the ventilation system and the evacuationand security measures in case of fire, in orden to decrease risks as much as posible.A surfboard it´s made up of foam, polyester or epoxy resin and fiberglass cloth. Thefoam is used to make the core of the surfboard and it’s the most important thing to get agood quality, it is light and easy to shape. The fiberglass cloth once impregnated withthe resin, will give strenght and rigidity to the surfboard.The manufacturing process is going to be a mix in between automated work andhandwork.The automated work is the beginning of the process. A special machine will give thefoam a pre-shape and after that, handwoarking starts. A shaper will finish the shapingprocess of the surfboard giving a perfect shape to the foam. On the next step a specialistwith resin will do the glassing process. Where the fiberglass cloth and the resign givesthe surfboard the perfect strenght.Lighting is very important on the factory because most of the process is handworking.The factory has different working areas, and each one must have the correctillumination values. Also the activity generate a lot of dust and because of that, theentire instalation must have protected lights against dust.During the activity, because of the dust generated and the toxic materials used for theprocess, is very important to have a good ventilation system. Impellers will boost newair into the factory through the ducts, and foul air is going to be pushed away by theextractors.Materials used in the factory are flammable, that´s why having a good evacuation andsecurity measures system in case of fire is requiered. The factory must have fireextinguishers, emergency lights and emergency routes to increase the security of peoplein case of fire. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/16548 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/16548 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 15-ene-2025