RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Community structure of woody plants on islands along a bioclimatic gradient A1 Borges, Paulo A. V. A1 Cardoso, Pedro A1 Fattorini, Simone A1 Rigal, François A1 Matthews, Thomas J. A1 Di Biase, Letizia A1 Amorim, Isabel R. A1 Florencio, Margarita A1 Borda de Água, Luis A1 Rego, Carla A1 Pereira, Fernando A1 Nunes, Rui A1 Carvalho, Rui A1 Ferreira, Maria Teresa A1 López, Heriberto A1 Pérez Delgado, Antonio J. A1 Otto, Rüdiger A1 Fernández Lugo, Silvia A1 Nascimento Reyes, Lea de A1 Caujapé‑Castells, Juli A1 Casquet, Juliane A1 Danflous, Samuel A1 Fournel, Jacques A1 Sadeyen, Anne-Marie A1 Elias, Rui B. A1 Fernández-Palacios, José María A1 Oromí, Pedro A1 Thébaud, Christophe A1 Strasberg, Dominique A1 Emerson, Brent C. K1 Beta diversity partition K1 Species abundance distribution K1 Species area relationship K1 Diversidad genética K1 Distribución de abundancia de especies K1 Relación de área de especies AB Understanding patterns of community structure and thecauses for their variation can be furthered by comparative biogeographicanalyses of island biotas. We used woody plant data at the local scale toinvestigate variations in species rarity, alpha, beta, and gamma diversitywithin and between three islands from the oceanic archipelagoes ofAzores, Canaries and Mascarene. We used standardized protocols tosample ten 50 m × 50 m forest plots in each of the three islands withcontrasting climate and regional species pools: Terceira (Azores),Tenerife (Canaries), and Reunion (Mascarene Islands). Occupancyfrequency distributions and species abundance distributions wereused to investigate rarity. The partitioning of beta diversity in adistance-decay framework was used to test for spatial patterns ofcommunity composition. Rarity was much more pronounced in thehighly diverse islands of Tenerife and Reunion than in the regionallypoorer island of Terceira. The number of species rose faster withincreasing sample area in both Tenerife and Reunion. The slope ofthe species rank abundance curve was steeper in Terceira whereasthe richer island assemblages approached a lognormal model.Compositional changes according to spatial distance were mostlydue to replacement of species in Terceira and Reunion. Our resultspoint to important differences in the community structure of Terceira,which is the less diverse and temperate region in comparison toTenerife and Reunion which are highly diverse. PB The International Biogeography Society SN 1948-6596 YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/17411 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/17411 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 19-oct-2024