RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Communicating the complexity of children’s needs and aspirations to the designers of info-graphics A1 Moore, Anne-Marie K1 Infographics K1 co-design K1 children AB Info-graphics are designed to make complex information accessible.They are visual representations of data designed to convey information in asuccinct and efficient way [1] (Newsom and Haynes, 2004; Smiciklas, 2012). Anexample may be a pictogram or public safety sign designed to warn people of ahazard. Such communication devices are currently developed through designer-centered, adult-led processes. While many adults are able to interpret publicsigns correctly, [2] Siu et al. (2014) question whether children understand them,even when they are exposed to public signs in child-friendly spaces such asplaygrounds or schools.In a bid to enhance sign design and improve children’s understanding ofinfographics, [3] Siu et al. (2017) make a case for including children in theirdesign, as children’s drawings can give new insights. However, the challenges ofengaging children as co-designers in infographic research are yet to beaddressed. In this paper, the author reflects on her involvement in the Togetherthrough Play project [4] (Holt et al., 2014), a three-year, Leverhulme Trustfunded project aimed at developing understanding of children’s needs andaspirations through the process of co-design.With the intention of addressing the power imbalance between adults andchildren in co-design research, the researcher employed and adapted methodsof cooperative inquiry, an approach to creating new designs for children, withchildren [5] (Druin, 1999). This paper focuses specifically on the participatoryapproaches, strategies and methodologies employed to encourage designers totruly listen to the voices of children, and their relevance to visual designresearch.Twenty-two children aged 7 to 11 were recruited to participate in the study fromfour UK-based mainstream Primary Schools. At least one child participant fromeach school had a recognised physical impairment and at least one of their co-participants did not. Six disabled children and their non-disabled peers took partin the study, with four of these children having physical impairments relating tocerebral palsy. One child had dyspraxia and one child had a hearing impairment.Undergraduate students from Product Design and Engineering programmes atthe University of Leeds were recruited to work alongside the children as co-designers. Their involvement included realising the children’s design ideas asprototypes and producing a series of critical artefacts as tools for discussion.Through semi-structured interviews with the researcher, the students reflectedupon their experience and involvement in the study.Where focus groups with children have traditionally been used as a means ofverifying design solutions, this project aimed to actively engage children in thedesign process from conception to completion. Rather than focusing on the endproduct, feedback and interaction with prototypes was used to developunderstanding of the barriers encountered by children and their aspirations forinclusive play. It was anticipated that this dialogue would be more insightfulthan straightforward interviewing alone [6] (Holt et al., 2012).Previous attempts to include children in research, particularly in the area ofchildhood studies, have emphasised the pre-existing power differentialsbetween adults and children that lead to the silencing of children’s voices [7](Kay and Tisdall, 2012). However, the Together through Play project identifiedthat many other factors can contribute to the silencing of children’s voices indesign research, with the attitudes of other children identified as one of themost significant barriers.In this paper, reflections on the methods employed in the Together through Playproject are used to inform a set of guidelines for designers of infographicsseeking to work collaboratively with disabled and non-disabled children in thefuture. It addresses the communication barriers identified that warrant theattention of infographic designers. It also highlights scope for infographics to beused to bring a greater balance of power to co-design projects with children. PB Vicerrectorado de Docencia. Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna SN 978-84-09-10171-9 YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/18471 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/18471 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 18-nov-2024