RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 El caballero y sus demonios: combates infernales en los libros de caballerías A1 Carmona Fernández, Fernando K1 Demonio con referencia a Chanson de Roland K1 María de Francia K1 Ivain de Chrétien de Troyes K1 L’Âtre Perilleux K1 La Queste del Saint Graal K1 Amadís de Gaula K1 Don Quijote AB The selection of some representative passages of the French narrative and of Amadís deGaula, within Hispanic studies, located in the 12th and 13th centuries, allows us to considerthe signification and literary transformation of the knightly battle against infernal beings.If the identification of the enemy with the devil that appears in the chansons de geste is clearand univocal and answers to the Christian crusade spirit, on turning to the Arthuriannarrative the supernatural gains ambiguity due to the mixture of Celtic and Christian elements (Marie de France); it is what will facilitate the capacity of suggestion and representation of the political and social reality in the passage of Yvain by Chrétien de Troyes. Theprocess of cultural christianisation will make the knight fight against demoniac beings witha clearer defined identity in the narrations of the 13th century (L’Âtre Perilleux, La Queste delSaint Graal, Amadís de Gaula). PB Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de Publicaciones SN 1135-125X YR 2003 FD 2003 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/18810 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/18810 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 16-feb-2025