RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 La promoción de la marca de un destino turístico: el caso de Cabo Verde A1 Vieira Cabral, André Lucindo K1 Cabo Verde K1 Marca K1 Marca Turística K1 Marca Gráfica K1 Imagen Corporativa K1 Promoción turística K1 turismo AB The world economy is currently characterized by globalization, which hastransformed the most competitive markets and each country needs to concentrate moreefforts on improving place branding as a way of having a better position for betterperformance and differentiation. In this sense, Cape Verde, despite being a relativelyrecent destination, compared to the Canary Islands, with less than three decades devotedto tourism, has given significant steps in the tourism sector, thus contributing to theeconomic and good development of its population.Communicating or promoting a tourist destination is a way of becoming moreknown internationally. The notoriety of the brand image of a tourist destination and itspositioning and recognition can determine the preference of tourists at the time ofchoosing a destination. So it seems crucial to work on what is a country brand and a goodmarketing plan, to get your promotion to be effective, to consolidate the brand on themarket, what will lead to your selection future loyalty to the same. It is also important toevaluate the result of the communication that is being made through public-privatefeedback, which in this case will be the Canary tourists, in order to have a study andfollow-up of it before, during the tourism, giving it to us. opportunities to evaluate yourweaknesses.This end-of-master research work consists of an exploratory study on the touristpromotion of Cape Verde. We are looking for an empirical study of what is the countrybrand, its importance for the promotion of a tourist destination and as we decided to studythe case of Cape Verde, trying to know how I am doing with the tourist promotion ofdestination Cape Verde and with him to know what a perceptive picture there are canarytourists about Cape Verde.The methodology followed to obtain these data was realized through studies ofbibliographic documents, interviews with entities involved in the promotion of destiny,as well as applying questionnaires to resident Canarian tourists who had traveled to Cape Verde which had a degree of understanding of destiny for your promotion. As a result,we have obtained many results that highlight the weaknesses in Cape Verde's tourismpromotion, as well as discovering various opportunities for improving the promotion ofdestiny, transforming these weaknesses into fortresses YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/19527 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/19527 LA es NO Máster Universitario en Innovación en Diseño para el Sector Turístico DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 01-sep-2024