RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Anisotropy and Mechanistic Elucidation of Wet-Chemical Gallium Nitride Etching at the Atomic Level A1 Tautz, Markus A1 Weimar, Andreas A1 Graßl, Christian A1 Welzel, Martin A1 Díaz Díaz, David K1 anisotropy K1 etching K1 gallium nitride K1 light-emitting diodes K1 mechanism K1 anisotropía K1 nitruro de galio K1 diodos emisores de luz K1 mecanismo AB Etching of gallium nitride is a key step in the production of blue and whitelight-emitting diodes (LEDs). Etching in aqueous KOH solution creates a roughsurface on the LED chip to facilitate outcoupling of the photons generated,drastically increasing the resulting LED’s efficiency. Compared with the commontechnique of dry etching, wet-chemical etching using aqueous KOH solutionhas significant advantages, e.g., lower complexity and cost and less remainingsurface damage. An in-depth analysis of the molecular etch reaction by characterizationof the reaction products is reported. The mechanism identifiedexplains the cause of anisotropic etching, which leads to the formation ofhexagonal pyramids. The concept of hydroxide repulsion by protruding NHand NH2 groups established in the literature is adapted and further developed.The susceptibility of several polar, semipolar, and nonpolar crystal facets mayalso be explained, as well as the commonly observed increase in average pyramidsize over etch time. PB Wiley YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/21464 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/21464 LA en NO OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 18-sep-2024