RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Relaciones laborales internacionales y desplazamientos temporales de trabajadores de la Unión Europea a España. A1 Delgado Acosta, Marta A2 Grado En Relaciones Laborales K1 Relaciones laborales internacionales K1 Movilidad laboral K1 Contratos de trabajo K1 Derecho internacional privado AB The globalization and internationalization of markets, the search for businessopportunities outside our borders and the mobility and interconnection between thedifferent States has given rise to the phenomenon of temporary work displacements thatwe are going to analyze throughout this work. The increase in this type of mobility andthe impact it has on the functioning of the internal market make its regulation essential,giving rise to Private International Law, the drafting of different European Directivesand their transposition in each State. Employment contracts entered into between individuals with a foreign element(company and / or worker and / or place of service provision) are regulated by PrivateInternational Law regulations, as they require a different response from that providedfor internal private situations. It is concerned with providing a legal answer to threegreat unknowns regarding transnational relations: the jurisdiction of the Spanish courtsregulated in the Brussels I bis Regulation, the choice of applicable law (Rome IRegulation) and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments (Law 29/2015,of July 30).All the Legal Orders of the European Union regarding international contracting have asa priority the protection of the weak part of the contract, the worker. Therefore,throughout the work we are going to carry out an analysis on the regulation ofinternational employment contracts and how measures are established to protect thedisplaced worker through the establishment of a normative hard core that guarantees aseries of working conditions minimal. Finally, the content of Directive 96/71 will be analyzed, which is transposed intoSpanish legislation by Law 45/1999, which in turn has undergone an amendmentoperated by Royal Decree-Law 9/2017. Culminating with the study of the new Directive2018/957 that entered into force on July 30, 2020, with special emphasis on the newsthat it includes in terms of temporary work trips. YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/21614 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/21614 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 08-ene-2025