RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Optimización del cultivo de Mentha piperita con el fin de su uso en estudios de elicitación para aumentar las concentraciones de metabolitos de interés farmacológico A1 Rosendo Casasola, Daiana Andrea K1 Mentha piperita, salinidad, Metabolitos secundario, Elicitación. AB One of the most valuable essential oil production plant of the Lamiaceae family is thepippermint or Mentha piperita. This essential oil and its different extracts have beenstudied before even modern medicine. Nowadays actual studies shown antibacterialand antioxidant qualities among other properties, being widely used in manyindustries such as cosmetics, tobacco and pharmaceuticals.The present study takes as reference different works on the effect of salinity stress,especially those in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, focusing on the impactof this stress on the production of menthol and the growth on the plant rather thanthe quantity of the essential oil. This was done using different controlled salineenvironments to determine which concentration was ideal to use in our experiment toincrease the concentration of metabolites of pharmacological interest. A calibrationcurve statistically studied was achieved following a simple and direct method ofmenthol quantification using a UV/VIS spectrometer paired with a colorimetry reactionthat allowed a fast, economic and reliable determination.Results: Salinity conditions of 50 mM NaCl were those most adequate for the growthof Mentha piperita of those evaluated. Spectrophotometry analysis exhibited anincrease of menthol concentration in those samples treated with a controlled salinityenvironment when compared to those who did not in our control group. It wasconcluded that the developed method is suitable for the optimization of the culture ofMentha piperita for its use in elicitation studies to increase the concentration ofmenthol. YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/21689 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/21689 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 10-mar-2025