RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Protocolos para la seguridad de la información en eHealth: Criptografía en entornos mHeath A1 Rivero García, Alexandra K1 TECNOLOGIA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES K1 SISTEMAS DE CONTROL MEDICO K1 CRIPTOGRAFÍA AB Abstract. The advance of technology has brought with it the evolution of tools in various fields,among which the medical field stands out. Today’s medicine has tools that 30 yearsago were unthinkable making its functioning completely different. Thanks to this fusionof medicine and technology new terms concerning this symbiosis, such as eHealth ormHealth, may be found in our daily lives. Both users and all the areas that work inthe protection and performance of health and safety benefit from it. In this doctoralthesis we have worked in several lines with the aim of improving information security inseveral mHealth systems trying to make the proposed solutions extrapolable to otherenvironments. Firstly, a tool, supported by an expert system and using identity-basedencryption for the protection of patient information, for the diagnosis, treatment andmonitoring of children with attention deficit disorder is proposed. Second, a solutionfocused on geared towards enhancing solutions for two of the fundamental problemsof medical data information security: the secure management of patient informationand the identification of patients within the hospital environment, is included. Thesolution proposed for the identification problem is based on the use of NFC braceletsthat store an identifier associated with the patient and is generated through an HMACfunction. In the third work, the problem of identification is again analyzed, but this timein emergency environments where no stable communication networks are present. Italso proposes a system for the classification of victims whose objective is to improve themanagement of health resources in these scenarios. The fourth contribution is a systemfor improving the traceability and management of small emergencies and everydayevents based on the use of blockchains. To conclude with the contributions of thisthesis, a cryptographic scheme which improves security in healthcare devices with littlecomputing capacity is presented.The general aim of this thesis is providing improvements in current medicine throughmHealth systems, paying special attention to information security. Specifically,measures for the protection of data integrity, identification, authentication and nonrepudiationof information are included.The completion of this doctoral thesis has been funded through a pre-doctoral FPIgrant from the Canary Islands Government. YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/23855 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/23855 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 19-sep-2024