RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Evaluación del programa de intervención para adolescentes "construyendo mi futuro A1 García Poole, Chloe K1 Psicología evolutiva AB Abstract. The community is an important context in the lives of our adolescents and can be ofgreat value for those that are living under psychosocial risk conditions. The mainobjective of this doctoral thesis is to evaluate the community group-based ‘Building MyFuture’ program, which aims to increase personal, social, and community competenciesin at-risk and non-at-risk adolescents following the Positive Youth Developmentframework. The program supports the realization of leisure and free time activitiesaimed at improving certain community aspects, activities that are selected by the groupof participants themselves and are supervised by young professionals belonging to NGOcollaborating entities of Municipal Social Services. The program is composed of fivemodules: 1) ‘Creating our group’, 2) ‘Getting to know our surroundings’, 3) ‘Makingour surroundings better’, 4) ‘Clarifying my future’, and, 5) ‘Boosting our relationships’;and is currently being implemented in the Autonomous Community of Castile andLeon, Spain. Following a compendium of four scientific publications, the first paperexplores the participants’ lifestyle patterns and their association with personal, social,and community competencies before taking part in the program; the second papersystematically reviews the characteristics and evaluation quality of community groupbased programs similar in nature to the “Building My Future” program; the third paperevaluates the types of activities performed during the program and their association withadolescent competence change profiles after the program; and the fourth paper evaluatesimplementation conditions and how they affect attendance and competence outcomes.The results of these four studies lead to recommendations for the communityintervention field and for those that are implementing the “Building My Future”program, concluding that the program is evidence-based and has great potential topromote the positive development of adolescents. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/24092 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/24092 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 02-ene-2025