RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Cálculo, análisis y diseño de sistemas de producción de energía renovable en una finca rural A1 Rodríguez Trujillo, Daniel Jesús AB The principal objective in this project is create a renewable energies installation, based onphotovoltaic and wind.This project is going to be installed in Valle de Guerra, in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Theinstallation function is supply electricity to an ornamental plant farm, specifically the offices.The principal motivation of the project is demonstrating that the shift from the traditionalnon-renewable sources of energy to a source that fit perfectly in a place where the amountof sunlight hours per day are massive is efficient, convenient, and cheap.This project elaboration follows the “Reglamento de Baja tension”, which collates all thelaws about electricity in a paper made by the Spanish industry ministry. Another importantinformation source is “Pliego de condiciones para instalaciones conectadas a red”. Thispaper was created by IDAE, a government-dependent institute whom principal mission isadvice about saving energy tactics.The installation will be a photovoltaic system connected to the grid made up of a string ofsix solar panels. This is because sometimes the office can demand more energy than theinstallation can produce, for example because it is cloudy and the panels do not absorb theminimum energy.Another facility taken in consideration is wind power generation system. It would have beencomposed by a 4kW windmill, enough to keep the office running while the photovoltaicinstallation is not working. Sadly, the wind velocity does not catch the bare minimum of thewindmill, so it would be stopped most days. For this reason, this type of installation is notgoing to be recommended. YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/24228 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/24228 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 22-ene-2025