RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Proyecto técnico de reforma de las instalaciones de alumbrado de la Biblioteca General y de Humanidades de la Universidad de La Laguna A1 Rizo Liendo, Itziar K1 Alumbrado K1 BIM K1 IFC AB This Final Degree Project is focused on the realization of a technical project of renovation ofthe current lighting installations of the General and Humanities Library of the University of LaLaguna, implementing the collaborative work methodology BIM (Building Information Modeling)and the use of lighting design and calculation software.The project arises from the proposal to renovate the lighting installations of the buildingusing new lighting technologies in order to achieve energy savings, an improvement in the welfareand comfort of users and also to adapt to the current regulatory framework.In order to contain and manage the amount of data of the existing building, a 3D virtualmodel of the infrastructure has been generated, using the Building Information Modelingsoftware Autodesk Revit®. For this purpose, personal visits, measurements and consultation ofold floor plans of the building were made.The lighting design and calculation was carried out using DIALux evo® software. Theinformation provided on the luminaires and the results of the lighting calculations obtained in thesimulation, justify compliance with current regulations.To ensure proper interoperability between Autodesk Revit® and DIALux evo®, studying andworking with IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), an open and neutral file format, was essential forthe development of the project. In this process, the main errors that occur during the export andimport of the 3D model are detected and analysed, providing solutions to possible interpretationproblems.In conclusion, this project is expected to generate satisfactory results that demonstrate theeffectiveness of the lighting improvement proposals carried out and show the multipleadvantages and facilities that the use of new BIM modelling technologies and simulation toolsprovide, in this case to renovation projects. YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/25456 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/25456 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 20-sep-2024